Planta Greenhouses

Our company offers greenhouses for sale across US and Canada. As our skids are extra large and many customers require tailgate delivery to the door, finding a good carrier has been our biggest struggle for the longest time. After trying a verity of carriers we decided to go a custom solution. We are using the bigger carriers to get our freight to the nearest terminal close to the customer, then, using the map features on locate a few carriers in the area and use one of them to make the final delivery.  We were able to significantly reduce our shipping cost and lead time using this website and wish we know a similar website in EU to use for delivering our greenhouses for sale in Europe and UK.


Trucking and Logistics Supplies

We wanted to share with you the great success we had using 
As one of the leading Trucking Supplies and Load Securement Equipment Distributors in North America, we often find ourselves shipping to quite remote location.
Being able to find a local company of the right seize helped us improve our service and save some money in the process.